Lagniappe Gift Wrap

Lagniappe exists because we believe that our natural resources need to be respected and used to the fullest, not simply used once and disposed of. Our collection of natural fiber and recycled fabric gift bags are a quick and easy, reusable gift wrap solution that does just that. Out of respect and appreciation for the natural systems that make our lives possible, and the many future generations who will also need those natural systems to survive and thrive, we aim to make it easier for people to live a less disposable life, and to invest more in their community, including the planet and future generations. It’s the same reason we buy homes if we can afford to, rather than renting. It’s investing in the future, without sacrificing the present. Or, in our case, the gift.


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Lagniappe Gift Wrap
128 Sagamore St.
Qunicy, MA 02171

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