Terra Sanctus Organic Landscape Design
We design and implement organic landscapes emphasizing balance and drawing from a range of components including edible and native plants. In addition to implementation,we work with our clients, teaching the skills of working with nature through the seasons, organic lawn care (reasons for decreasing lawn area), the art of composting, tricks in season extending food plantings, the wonders of water sounds, and the interaction between your home and the surrounding natural (and unnatural) habitat. Our mission is to encourage and promote the spread of sustainable, low-energy, poison-free landscapes (this includes the actual dwelling) which open us up to the healing qualities the earth has always provided.Link: www.terrasanctus.com
Terra Sanctus Organic Landscape Design
PO Box 646
Waitsfield, VT 05673
802 583 4954
PO Box 646
Waitsfield, VT 05673
802 583 4954