Amazon Feelings

Amazon Feelings grew from the founder’s deep understanding and appreciation of the Brazilian culture and the realization that Brazilian craftsmanship is truly an undiscovered treasure. Cristina Amaral founded the company on the premise of bringing beautiful pieces, to people all over the world. Blending the use of natural materials and elements with contemporary ideas and design, while using an assortment of products found in remote communities, a line of the best of Brazilian artisans was launched. Mission: To promote and spread Brazilian culture, by the sale of traditional handicraft according to the principles of International Fair Trade, contributing to the eco-development of the communities involved. Our values: • To provide small producers/artisans with the concepts to consider and act in an entrepreneurial manner, in order to improve their business; • To promote the excellence in the quality of the items produced by the small producers by open dialogue and mutual respect; • To encourage creativity and innovation; • Integrity guides our business conduct; • To advise the small producers/artisans to certify their products with the certifying bodies of International Fair Trade.


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Amazon Feelings
Rua Silvio Rodini, 461
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo 02241000
+5511 6959-5832

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